Proof Profiles

Welcome to Proof Profiles where we’re sharing the personal stories of those navigating life with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).

Get to Know Wyatt!

Meet Wyatt! Wyatt is a 23-year-old with an FASD; he was diagnosed about three years ago at the age of 19. 

Wyatt lives with his mom, Debbie, in a rural and agricultural part of eastern Washington.  He works at a grocery store as a courtesy clerk. He stocks items, bags groceries and greets and assists customers. Wyatt has been working there for a year and a half, and he loves it! 

Image right: Pictured is a smiling Wyatt, wearing a black work uniform and black baseball hat.

A Man with Many Interests

Wyatt likes to explore all kinds of hobbies and interests. Wyatt’s mom, Debbie, shared that Wyatt used to do hip-hop dance in high school. Most recently, Wyatt says he enjoys dog training, riding horses, photography and videography.

Wyatt started riding horses a few years ago. He loves riding and particularly trotting. His favorite type of horse is the American Paint Horse. 

Another interest? Music! “It helps me remember things. I like newer music like pop.” Wyatt’s mom, Debbie, has observed the calming effect music has on Wyatt. When he listens to music with his headphones on in his room, he usually comes out more relaxed and focused. Music seems to “tap into that part of his brain,” she says.

Image left: Wyatt doing one of his favorite things – riding horse.

What Are Your Superpowers?

Wyatt has an 11-year-old dog, Silk. Silk is an emotional support for Wyatt. It’s no wonder when we asked Wyatt what his superpowers are, he said, “My smile and my gift with animals.” 

Image right: Pictured is Silk, Wyatt‘s 11-year-old dog and lifelong companion.

Life with an FASD

Wyatt was diagnosed with an FASD at the age of 19. He notes that it was difficult growing up without a formal diagnosis. About having a diagnosis now, though, he says “it helps me understand my brain better and how I do things.”

With the help of a therapist, Wyatt has continued to grow and learn more about himself. His mom educates the therapist on FASD; she even came to their home to see the support tools he uses at home. One tool that helps Wyatt is the calendar on his bedroom wall; he says, “When there are exciting things on my schedule, it makes me even more excited!”  

Wyatt says his greatest challenge with FASD is remembering things. To help, he puts reminders on his phone and uses the Families Moving Forward mobile app, developed at the University of Rochester, New York by Dr. Christie Petrenko. Wyatt participated in a study to help inform the app when it was in development. The app helps with daily tasks and mental health. The app is also used to educate counselors, educators and other professionals about effectively supporting people with an FASD.

Image left: Stock image.

"FASD does not define you."

Wyatt is a fierce advocate in the FASD community. Wyatt uses every opportunity he can to share information about FASD and prenatal alcohol exposure. Whether he’s presenting to students, meeting with city council members, participating in films and documentaries about FASD or even growing awareness on his own Instagram page, inspiring and helping others is so important to Wyatt.  

When asked what he would say to someone just starting their journey with FASD, Wyatt said: “The diagnosis of FASD does not define you, but hopefully it will help you understand your brain. Each of us has values and something to share with the world.”  

Image left: Wyatt is kneeling, holding a medal and wearing a red t-shirt; Wyatt is near a tan dog wearing a purple harness.

What Inspires You?

Wyatt’s mom, Debbie inspires Wyatt to be a confident self-advocate. She notes that his self-confidence has only grown over the years. Wyatt is so enthusiastic about trying new things, which helps him to grow and find his own voice.   

Just like Wyatt’s contagious smile, he loves to make jokes and morning is a special time for them. Debbie said that every morning she asks Wyatt if there will be “a side of silly with breakfast.” They dance, listen to music, pray and review their plans for the day together. As a single mom, Debbie remarks that making the best of every day is crucial to her and Wyatt’s happiness.  

*Interview and article produced by Proof Alliance youth intern, El R. If you or anyone you know is interested in being spotlighted in the Proof Profiles series, send an email to El at 

Image right: Wyatt smiling and holding a handwritten sign.

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